Albert Einstein said, “Reality is a mere illusion, albeit a persistent one.” He perfectly defined the reality on how the NIMBY Matrix has been a persistent illusion manifesting its chaotic reality on Facebook, in the news media, and public hearings every hour, of every day, of every month, of every year. In his upcoming new book, Breaking Out of the NIMBY Matrix, Amazon Bestselling Author Patrick Slevin reveals how the NIMBY Matrix gets its power to disrupt the public square, and how it manifests itself when corporate real estate developers least expect it.

 In his new book, Slevin wittingly uses the blockbuster movie trilogy The Matrix to demonstrate how the NIMBY Matrix works, and how it succeeds in influencing public officials, corporate executives, land-use professionals, educators, communicators, and even reporters. Slevin offers his readers a choice; take the blue pill to remain in the status quo mindset of “ignorance is bliss” or take his red pill and be taken on a journey down the rabbit hole of the NIMBY Matrix.

 “The NIMBY Matrix is the best kept secret in the real estate development industries,” said Amazon Bestselling Author Patrick Slevin. “Since the acronym NIMBY (Not-In-My-Backyard) was coined in the 1980s, NIMBYism has cost companies unreported millions, industries unmentioned billions, and our national economy unimaginable trillions of dollars in losses. The question is how can such a costly threat and increasing risk has gone unexamined by our most powerful institutions in the United States?”

 In Part 1 of Breaking Out of the NIMBY Matrix, Slevin identifies the powerful forces that safeguard the dark secrets found in today’s digital NIMBY world. In Part II, Slevin offers his integrated public affairs strategies and tactics that have been proven to consistently win in today’s digital NIMBY World.

Sign Up Today! Go to and be the first to receive exclusive access and pre-publication promotions for this highly anticipated book expected to come out in early 2023. This mind altering trip down the rabbit hole is written for professionals in the news media, government, C-suite, academia, communications, and other interested parties.

 To Learn More About Patrick Slevin and His Upcoming New Book Visit – IF YOU DARE!