May 18, 2016
Which came first reality or perception?
If you answered perception came first, because “perception is reality”, then give yourself a cigar for being duped by a superficial world.
The superficial world wants us to fail. It’s persistently trying to influence how we perceive it with a “what you see, is what you get” construct. It wants to distract us, with illusions to lull enterprising individuals, organizations and societies into self-induced silos of “ignorance is bliss” apathy and “mind’s eye” atrophy.
Every day there are epic battles between innovation and the status quo. Success isn’t necessarily determined in the market place or by consumers, but rather, in state capitols and city halls across the nation.
"When it comes to changing the world for the better, it’s a matter of you choosing whether to let the world define you or you defining yourself in the world"
Patrick Slevin
The world doesn’t want us to change, but to embrace the “devil we know” illusions known as the status quo mindset. This finally explains why over the ages every great idea, cause and invention, was initially rejected and scorned. How many times have we heard from successful entrepreneurs not to give up? To ignore rejection and to persevere over the naysayers.
We need to give perception the stink eye to develop a new perspective that shifts to a clearer vision of reality that goes beyond face value. When we achieve a deeper sense of self, we have the power to become agents of change.
But how do we reboot our perspectives that are plugged into a hostile world that wants to keep us down?
Plato gives us key insight that only can be seen in a deep, dark cave.
The Greek Philosopher Plato understood how shadows were perceived as reality. These shadows were powerful, imprisoning not only people, but organizations and societies. Plato wrote in his Allegory of the Cave, humanity was imprisoned in a dark cave, chained in such a way that they could only face forward. Behind the prisoners, and outside their field of vision, was a blazing fire that would cast the shadows of the sensible world on the cave walls before them.
These shadows represented perceptions manufactured by the materialistic world, and humanity accepted them as reality. The story goes on to tell a prisoner freeing himself, climbing to the mouth of the cave, to be blinded by the light.
When the enlightened person went back into the cave to share his epiphany, the person was nearly killed for trying to change the perceptions that society believed as reality.
There are countless examples of false shadows misleading humankind such as the world was flat or the world was at the center of the universe.
So how do you find a greater reality beyond the false perceptions distributed by a superficial world looking to keep you in a comatose reality?
Science has confirmed that world isn’t what we have been led to perceive and believe.
Quantum physicists have determined that over 96 percent of matter in the universe is missing. We only experience four percent of the known universe with our senses.
Physicists have also discovered that particles of matter change behavior when someone observes them. Therefore, mind over matter has merit.
Positive thinking guru Napoleon Hill knew this nearly 100 years ago with his philosophy, “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
Reality is what you make of it: It’s relative, it’s intrinsic and it originates at a conscious level.
When it comes to changing the world for the better, it’s a matter of you choosing whether to let the world define you or you defining yourself in the world.
The reality that we hold within our minds, not only influence how we perceive the world, but also how we construct the world “out there”.
So adjust your eyes from being receivers of false realities to projectors manifesting a world according to your desired reality of success.
Patrick Slevin is a nationally recognized persuasion consultant, retained to accomplish one goal – Communicating the Truth. He has changed the minds of millions of people on behalf of corporations, special interests and campaigns.
Find out how he's Changing Minds at the Speed of Perception™ by connecting with him on LinkedIn or go to