Patrick J. Slevin

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RELEASE ISSUED BY PATRICK SLEVIN: The Digital Age has created alternate realities requiring leaders to dominate the net with informative content, engaging social media and high-functioning websites. Unfortunately, over the years, the public relations industry has lost a few steps in the digital space, falling behind the less-than-credible marketing and advertising industries.  Patrick Slevin, founder of SL7 Consulting, is changing this seemingly unsustainable paradigm with the announcement of his firm’s iPR services.

“The genius of iPR is in how it creates harmony between simplicity and complexity, discerns influence from persuasion, and reconciles external impressions with internal mindsets of individuals,” said Patrick Slevin, founder and head of SL7 Consulting.  “Under my iPR definition and practices, every facet of communications is accounted for and delivered through a digital infrastructure. We’ve only scratched the surface of the full potential of digital media and marketing, and we’re excited about where we will take our clients moving forward in this crucial area of communications.” 

According to Slevin, public relations has always been misunderstood and undervalued.  This is because of a lack of understanding of what public relations truly offers beyond narratives, press releases, news clips, likes and follows, and relationship building. These limited perspectives of public relations are sadly ironic, and greatly undermine the strategic value public relations brings to the C-Suite. 

“The internet has become the primary source, pathway and destination for communications in our global society. Yet, public relations has found itself relegated to a red-headed step-child by marketing and government relations departments across industries.  The launch of our new iPR services changes that from our perspective,” said Slevin. “The Secret to influential public relations in today’s Digital Age begins with the power of i.  Once you understand the prefix of “I” in public relations, then you will have a greater degree of impact on how you influence, interface and impress your targeted audiences.”

The power of I in influential public relations is infinite, but here is a list of SL7 Consulting’s top 7 descriptors that will impact, impress and inspire stakeholders: 

1.      individual: Results do not happen without individual participation. Individuals represent our targeted audience of consumers, voters, shareholders, donors, public officials, legislators and influencers. Messaging and communication channels are fashioned to infiltrate their filters and inspire the desired action.

2.      internet: iPR positions credible information that’s interactive on the net beginning with your website. iPR Digital is empowered by integrated communications spanning social media, SEO, email marketing, branding, reputation management, and online advertising. 

3.      impressions: Whether it’s changing minds or reinforcing status quo attitudes, iPR offers innovative narratives and interactive impressions that instill perspectives that are favorable to your company, campaign or cause. 

4.      initiatives: Whether it's crisis leadership, corporate communications, reputation management, public affairs, issues advocacy, zoning & development, public relations or influencer engagement, SL7 Consulting will get your high-profile, high-stakes projects and programs across the finish line. 

5.      issues: Federal, state and local policymakers impact the market share of industries. SL7 Consulting’s iPR mobilizes influencers and generates impressions that sway public officials at city hall, home districts, state capitals and Capitol Hill. 

6.      intercepts: iPR effectively intercepts crisis and initiates crisis leadership best practices that create opportunities for corporate and community goodwill.   

7.      integration: iPR services are interchangeable and interactive within a cadre of communications specialties producing the right formula for persuasive communications and stakeholder engagement.

“Public relations industry is in denial about being behind in the Digital Media space. Large firms fail miserably at integrating their silo specialties, while smaller shops are unable to see the big picture resulting in little impact for clients,” Slevin said.  “SL7 Consulting begins with an organizational perspective, complimented with teams of communicators and digital specialists focused on a comprehensive approach in delivering influential public relations a.k.a. iPR.”

Recently, SL7 Consulting announced an alliance with Auxilium Technology, Inc., one of the top-ranked digital media agencies in the Washington, D.C. area.  The alliance has empowered SL7 Consulting’s communications initiatives with digital media and branding, internet marketing and web-based capabilities included in the firm’s iPR services. 


About SL7 Consulting

SL7 Consulting helps leaders influence the mediums, medias and minds of people that impact their interests with persuasive communications and stakeholder engagement.  For more information go to